Beach clean up for the planet

For the planet

A couple of years ago, our friends from Ibiza, @creativesfortheplanet joined Ecopazifico beach clean-up operations and art projects on the pacific coast of Colombia.  Since then we have been supporting each other activities in any way we can! 

Here are a few images of our collaboration! Our amazing volunteers as usual rocking it hard to collect, classify, wash and weigh recyclable materials.

This year For the Planet is supporting our organizations’ efforts to remove waste from coastal communities of Colombia and implement recycling systems in remote areas that do not have landfills and that the only way to get rid of is by burning and burying the trash in those fragile ecosystems.

In the first trimester of this year, we already removed 7 tons of plastic glass, metals, styrofoam, and flip flops.

We are extremely grateful to For the Planet for supporting our foundation’s team, our local Beach Rangers, and our formidable volunteers that make it all happen!

We will be organizing some more beach clean-up adventures with our group of Formidables in the Caribbean, Atlantic, and pacífic Coasts of Colombia,  and we really hope You can join us!

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