1st recycling station by Colombina

Ecopazifico is co-creating with the community councils of #JUANCHACO, #LADRILLEROS and #LABARRA, a new recycling system, integrated into an ecological trail that stablishes the 3 neighbor communities as protective areas of conservation.

From July 23 to July 27/2018, we installed the first recycling station made out of 100% plastic; recycled and manufactured by Ecoplásticos, and donated by the Colombina Company

Visit: http://diariodelcauca.com.co/noticias/ciencia/ecolog%C3%ADa/la-costa-pacifica-colombiana-mas-limpia-gracias-colombina-458817

Who understood our purpose and joined our mission to impulse this first step!

Infinite gratitude to COLOMBINA.

Report of the installation: REPORTE ESTACION DE RECICLAJE I.

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